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  • Writer's pictureRowan Hoppe

How Can It Affect Us?

Let’s explore together how climate can affect us. Our water is getting warmer. That makes coral reefs die and then fish don’t have homes. Then that makes it harder for predators to eat making it unbalanced. Warm water also makes glaciers fall because water under the ice is warm and the ice becomes unstable and falls into the water. Then it melts and overtime more places flood from it. When the glaciers melt less ice is reflecting the sun back making it hotter. Warmer water also means hurricanes and more severe weather. Water causes many storms because many have rain. This makes our weather less predictable. Let’s move out of the water, let’s go to land. It's causing droughts. It is also killing trees which actually breath it in. Did you know that since 1900 our average temperature has gone up by one 1 degree Fahrenheit. This might not seem like a lot but before that it took 10,000 to make a change like that. Eighteen of the warmest years have been recorded since 2001. And right now we are just in an ice age. Imagine if we were in a warm period. So much can happen from climate change that can hurt us. From rising water to an unbalanced ecosystem climate can do a lot of damage to all of us.

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